Royal Caribbean Cruise, New Zealand to Melbourne


Great fun on my first Royal Caribbean cruise! With several dozen cruise ships worldwide, Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines (or RCCL) is one of the biggest cruise companies in the world, based out of Florida.

This cruise ship went through New Zealand and headed back to Melbourne. I did two 45min shows in the 1300-seat theatre and had about 700 pax in the 7pm show and nearly a full house at 9pm. Audiences were lovely, applauding spontaneously (especially at stories with big endings – old school style)

Straight after I got off the ship I was offered two more shows on RCCL cruise ships for January. I better go buy some more sunscreen, this could become a regular thing… better send them a different photo though, this is the one they are currently using 🙂

I’ve also talked with the Production Manager on the RCCL Voyager of the Seas about giving my Inspirational Keynote talk on board, which was extremely well received on the Princess Cruise ships. Can’t wait to help passengers not only have a laugh, but to learn about how to maximise their health and live more enriched lives as a result.


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